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International Trade and Coronavirus


China is Brazil’s main trading partner. In 2019, 19,9% o four Brazilian imports came from China. In the same year, China ranked 1st in the Brazilian Export Ranking, that is, China is the Main Destination for our exports. In addition, China also ranked 1st in The Brazilian Import Ranking.

An issue that has raised many doubts for those who work with imports or who made a purchase recently from China on e-commerce sites such as Aliexoress, Alibaba, Wish and others are regarding the possible transmission of Coronavirus in boxes, envelopes, or containers.

Well, what are the chances that the boxes and containers of these products from China are infected?

This is a quite simple answer; almost none, as the vírus usually lasts for around 24 hours when it’s outside a body. According to recent research sending packages by international mail should not pose any risk, due to the time elapsed from the time of shipment to arrive. Anvisa also aimed at security protocols, imposed rules for ports that are operating, before it was necessary for the vessel’s captain to inform the 5 ports Where the ship had passed and now needs to inform the last 10 with dates of entry and departure.


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